Stewardship 2024
Holy Trinity is our Spiritual Home. Our Church and its ministries require your assistance. We give to Christ and His Church not according to our means but according to our love for Him.
Greek Festival
Find out about our Annual Festival. You will find hours, details about dancers, rides, and how you can help!
The raffle drawing will be held on November 9, 2024. We will be drawing the winning tickets during our Autumn Dinner Dance
Greek School Registration
Learn More about our Greek School Program for Pre-K thru Adults
Community Events
Information about events being hosted by our Ministries and Organizations
Forms for Sacraments and Ministries
Forms to be completed for sacraments and our ministries
Donate Online
Please consider supporting Holy Trinity by making a donation through our virtual offering tray, for all those who cannot make it to church but are supporters from afar and those who prefer to donate online.
Parish Calendar
A Special Message from Father Theofani:
Online Chapel
Sunday after Holy Cross
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.